Sunday, 28 February 2016

We continued with ours activities in Colonia School

This week we prepared activities to work with the social skills (empathy, comunication and group work) and values (respect, friendship..)

These activities were:

Find Out The Leader: We have one person outside and choose a leader.The leader does a few actions such as applauding,etc..All the other imitates what he or she does and the person who was outside before tries to guess who is the leader.

Magical Microphone:The participants make a circle.They choose an object which is soft and small.Only the person who has the object can speak.We throw the object to a person and he starts speaking about a subject which is previously decided.Each person can speak only for an amount of time which is previously decided and then throws the object to another person.The person who has the object has to continue speaking about the same subject.They can create a story between them but all the time the person has to continue from where the previous person stops.

Sit down/Stand Up: Somebody says a characteristic.(for example:Who has ever traveled by a plane?)All students who complete this character stands up.A few times we repeat different characteristics and do the same.

Animals' couples: You write papers with couples of animals and you give one paper to each student. They have to descrive their animal only with signs, and with out sound they have to find their couple.

Talking with numbers: A student has to watch to other student and express an emotion (happy, sad, nervous, quiet, fear...) saying a number and this student has to reply with another number the same emotion.

The detective: You have differents papers. One of them has write "Detective", another "Killer" and the rest with a "V" for "Victims". The detective has to discover who is the killer. The detective go out and the rest stay in the class slepping except the killer, who has to touch someone to kill. After that the detective enter in the class and has to discover the killer with questions (Who is the killer? What did you do before?...) and observed the signs of the people.

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