We started very early our travel to visit the "Centru de Ingrijire si Asistenta Sociala la Zatreni".
This center is locaded in Zătreni, between Craiova and Ramnicu Valcea and is a home for people with physical and mental disabilities.
The purpose of this visit was to donate some goods to the center (sweets, clothes, food, books, etc.); provide a different day to patients and especially the recognition of the efforts of those who work there daily.
It was organised by:
Biblioteca Județeană Antim Ivireanul
Liga Femeilor Creştine Ortodoxe
Direcţia Generală de Asistenţă Socială şi Protecţia Copilului Vâlcea
Asociaţia "Zâmbete Colorate” Vâlcea
Societatea Culturală "Anton Pann” Vâlcea
Asociatia Tinerilor Formatori pentru Promovarea Dezvoltarii
We talked with those responsible for the center who responded in all our questions and greeted us with a table full of typical romanian sweets prepared there in the center.
During the visit to the center we met some patients and workers.
It was difficult for us to see that reality ... we do not feel volunteers in there, once again we felt that are they who giving us.
We can´t forget their joy in welcoming us, the pleasure that they had to embrace and touch us; to take pictures with us, the curiosity to learn more about us, the enthusiasm showing us their chambers and their belongs ...

The morning continued with cultural and entertaining performances.
Tatiana sings different traditional songs.
Gigi and Paul recited poems and funny stories
There was even a kind of improvisational theater: the simulation of a marriage between Tatiana and Paul, whose priest of the ceremony was a patient with a refined artistic vein.
Other patients joined and enlivened the morning with their songs.
After visited the Center we went to the restaurant, and in the way to there we stopped in Horezu.
The day ended with a visit to a new church (yet to open) and with a wonderful lunch with typical Romanian food.
It was a very touching day for us all.
Thanks to everyone who had the privilege of knowing, and that have guided us in this so remarkable visit:
Aurora Gherghina "subprefect" of Vâlcea
Tatiana Mărcoianu : Romanian folk music singer
Marinela Neagu from "Liga Femeilor Creştine Ortodoxe Vâlcea"
Antoanela Enacache from the Asociation ''Zâmbete Colorate''
Paul Stănişor - plastic artist from the cultural association ''Anton Pann''
Gigi Poşircă - poet, from the cultural association ''Anton Pann''
Zenobia Zamfir from the cultural association ''Anton Pann''
Georgeta Mureanu our our project coordinator from Asociatia Tinerilor Formatori pentru Promovarea Dezvoltarii
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