Tuesday, 19 April 2016

 Non formal activities with students

The day 19th of April. We made activities with 2 groups of students:

1. First Group (9 years)
2. Second Group (10 years)

During 2 hours, we made activities to work social abilites (to work in groups, self-discovery, recreation activities, to recognise the feelings).

For example:

Do we know how to count?

The student will make a circle.They have to count from 1 to 20 but they can not order for saying the numbers.And they have to count between all of them until 20.If any of them repeat a number they start from the beginning.And the numbers should be counted in order.

The order of birthdays

We make a line and the students try to get in order in this line according to their birthdays from youngest to the oldest without speaking and only with signs.

Find Out The Leader

We have one person outside and choose a leader.The leader does a few actions such as applauding,etc..All the other imitates what he or she does and the person who was outside before tries to guess who is the leader.

Sit down/Stand Up 

Somebody says a characteristic.(for example:Who has ever traveled by a plane?)All students who complete this character stands up.A few times we repeat different characteristics and do the same.

Fruit salad

Form a circle of chairs that is one chair fewer than a total number of players. Nominate a player to be 'inside', that player stands in the centre of the circle. Divide all players into three groups of fruit by going around the circle and naming them either apple, orange or pear. The player who is 'inside', calls the name of a fruit. If he calls out apples, everyone who is that fruit must get up quickly and change places. Players who are not apples remain seated. The person who is 'inside' tries to sit in an empty spot whenever players swap positions. If they manage to sit in a chair, the player not sitting in a chair is then 'inside'.The person in the middle can also call 'fruit salad' and everyone who is seated has to change spots.

Express feelings with numbers:

They are in couples, face to face, and they have to express feelings with out speak, only using the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
In one line they use 1, 2, 3. And in the other line they use 4, 5, 6.

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