A new life was beginning in Romania, full of new feelings, new people, new cultures, new food…It's like getting to discover another part of the world, different from the usual life.
An unbelievable dream that was about to begin was waiting for us.
The people from the organisation welcomed us very well, introduced us to the whole team and provided us the information and support we needed to get adapted to this new life.
We met each other (me, Ari, Nieves and Fatih) in the 1st of September in a lunch provided by the Organisation.This was our first meeting as a group and for Ari and Nieves the first contact with Romanian food, and beer!
The coordinator of our project was not there because she was out of the country in a training, but we already had the opportunity to meet her in August and she seemed very friendly, helpful and funny to us.
On the next day - 2nd September - in the evening, we had the first birthday party; the 26th birthday of Ariadna!
We visited for the first time Muzeul Satului Vâlcean (in which we will develop much of the activities of our project)
We were dazzled! So beautiful!
We were dazzled! So beautiful!
In the same day we also met our mentor, Traian, that works at the museum since 2008.
I already had the opportunity to visit the city before, but my colleagues used the free days to explore the natural beauties of it.
What they discovered? Well...here we go:
-The city´s rivers (Olt river)
What they discovered? Well...here we go:
-The city´s rivers (Olt river)
-A beautiful park (Parcul Mircea cel Bătrân)
-A little forest with fantastic views of the city (Capela Hill)
-A big monastery (Arhiepiscopia Râmnicului)
-A little lake with relaxed fishers.
-A big park (Parcul Zăvoi, unfortunately close)
-The city´s cemetery (Cimitir)
I also travelled around, went to Sibiu, Cluj Napoca, Budapest, Belgrade and Timisoara. And you guys??
Here follows a summary of activities developed during this month.
-We started the Romanian lessons;
What do you think we learn first? Of course we started with introducing ourselves!
Bunã ziua!, Mă numesc Andrea am douăzeci și opt de ani și sunt din Romania. ( Hello, my name is Andrea, I'm twenty-eight years old and I'm from Romania.
-We played breaking ice and getting to know each other games with the other volunteers and spoke about the role of the perfect mentor and the perfect volunteer. We got to know each other better.
-We organised the intercultural evening.
Created an event and flyers.
-We started the Romanian lessons;
What do you think we learn first? Of course we started with introducing ourselves!
Bunã ziua!, Mă numesc Andrea am douăzeci și opt de ani și sunt din Romania. ( Hello, my name is Andrea, I'm twenty-eight years old and I'm from Romania.
-We played breaking ice and getting to know each other games with the other volunteers and spoke about the role of the perfect mentor and the perfect volunteer. We got to know each other better.
-We organised the intercultural evening.
Created an event and flyers.

-Prepared a little presentation about our countries and made some tipical food from our regions.
All the people enjoyed our fantastic meals and there were a great atmosphere and conversations.
Also we made the logo of the project and its facebook page.
We organised the project´s launching conference and it was a successful presentation where we had the chance to introduce ourselves, our project and what we are doing here as volunteers; after all the feeling was only one…satisfaction.
This month was really exciting: new country, new culture, new life and above all, motivation for our new project.
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